Kichirei Kaomise Kogyo – The Grand Kabuki Show(吉例顔見世興行)

It’s Monsieur A(セ ムシュー ア).




I explain about ”Kichirei Kaomise Kogyo – The Grand Kabuki Show” today in French, English, and Japanese.



Kichirei Kaomise Kogyo – Le grand spectacle du Kabuki
De la fin novembre à la fin décembre, le spectacle annuel Kichirei Kaomise Kogyo Kabuki se tient à Kyoto. C’est une opportunité rare lorsque tous les acteurs populaires et importants du Kabuki se rassemblent et jouent ensemble.


Kichirei Kaomise Kogyo – The Grand Kabuki Show
From the end of November to the end of December, the annual Kichirei Kaomise Kogyo Kabuki show is held in Kyoto. This is a rare opportunity when all popular and important Kabuki actors gather and perform togehter.




Please refer to the below Guide book during your visit ^^






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See you next time  🙂


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